Everyone arrested in Davidson County is taken to the Hill Detention Center, next to the offices of the Nashville Sheriff on Second Avenue North. HDC can hold up to 356 pre-trial men facing a wide variety of criminal charges. Women are booked there and then transferred...
Month: January 2018
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What is probable cause for a DUI stop?
You're heading home for the night, after having dinner and drinks with your friends, when the flashing lights come on in the mirror. You flip on your blinker and pull to the side. The first thing you might think about is whether or not you'll pass a blood test, but...
Have you answered these DUI questions?
Facing a charge of driving under the influence is every bit as scary as it sounds. In addition to the stress it brings to your life, you should understand that a conviction could impact the way you earn a living.With so many uncertainties, the best thing you can do is...