Experience and Compassion in Criminal and Juvenile Law

These 3 offenses could land a child in jail or prison

On Behalf of | Dec 6, 2018 | Uncategorized

There are some juvenile offenses that could lead to an arrest for a child but not for an adult. Did you know that these offenses are still penalized like criminal offenses in some places, even if they’re not dangerous to the community or to the child involved?

No child should have to face charges over situations out of their hands. Some possible situations that are offenses for juveniles but not adults include incorrigibility, running away and truancy.

What is incorrigibility?

This is an older term that isn’t used much anymore. It refers to defiant or disobedient youths. The term essentially means that the student is criminally mischievous, violent or disruptive, but it can also be used to describe children who just act out or who are defiant on the whole.

What is truancy?

Truancy is skipping school. It’s against the law for kids to skip school or be prevented from attending school up to a certain age. However, children may not have the ability to determine if or when they go to school. Some may have no clothing, no ride or other issues to contend with. Shockingly, truancy is a juvenile crime. It can lead to fines, and it can lead to a child being charged as an adult and placed in prison in some locations.

Why is running away a crime?

Running away is only a crime up to the age of majority. Children may run away due to problems in the home, mental, emotional or educational needs, or conflicted relationships. In most cases, these children need support through means such as therapy or a change in their situation. However, running away can lead to charges.

What should you do if your child violates the law?

It is important to get to the bottom of the reason why your child is violating the law. While the courts have options, such as placing them in prison or fining them or their parents, the goal is normally to find out why the child is acting out. It is in the child’s, parents’ and community’s best interests to learn more about why a child is causing trouble rather than to immediately penalize them for doing so.

Children who break the law could have their place at school threatened, which is unfair and unnecessary. If your child commits a crime of any kind, you should look into a strong defense and look deeper into the problem.