The Advantage Of KnowingHow The Other Side Thinks

Photo of Nichole Dusché

The Advantage Of KnowingHow The Other Side Thinks

Photo of Nichole Dusché

Helping a loved one who may be the victim of domestic abuse

On Behalf of | Apr 8, 2020 | Domestic Violence |

It is often very challenging for people who are in abusive relationships to get help and leave that relationship. And it can be even more difficult right now, as people are across Tennessee are needing to stay isolated in their homes with an abusive party.

Because of this, it is more important than ever for anyone who has a friend or family member who may be at risk of domestic violence to check on these people. Below are some other tips to help you if you are worried about a loved one.

Calling and video chatting

Regularly connecting to your loved one can accomplish a couple of different objectives. First, it shows that person that he or she has someone outside of the house who cares about them.

It also gives you the chance to hear and see your loved one. How does his or her voice sound? Are they able to tell you if they are scared? Do you see any indications of abuse? These conversations can provide critical clues about your loved one’s safety and well-being.

Identifying support resources

If your loved one is in isolation with an abuser, he or she may have little or no opportunity to research the available support resources. And with many businesses closing or adjusting their hours of operation across Tennessee, they may have nowhere to go to examine their options safely.

You could help your loved one by doing some of this research for them. You might collect helpline numbers and contact information for legal and social services.

It is also important to note that many of the services in place to support victims of domestic abuse, including shelters and mental health clinics, are among the essential services that will remain open in Tennessee during this time.

Being supportive

Above all, it is crucial to remain as supportive as possible during this incredibly difficult situation. Expecting your loved one to leave may simply not be realistic right now.

Offer solutions, but do not push a person to make a decision that they do not feel comfortable making. Let them know you are concerned but will always support them. Listen to them, and when the time comes, you can help them develop a safe exit plan.

Helping someone in an abusive relationship is very complicated. However, these tips can empower you to help your loved one as best you can.