The Advantage Of KnowingHow The Other Side Thinks

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The Advantage Of KnowingHow The Other Side Thinks

Photo of Nichole Dusché

Protecting Your Rights: What to Do When Facing Domestic Assault Charges

by | Jul 28, 2023 | Firm News |

Domestic assault charges can be a deeply distressing and life-altering experience for anyone involved.  If you find yourself facing domestic assault charges, it is crucial to know your rights and take immediate action to protect yourself and your future.

  1. Understand the Charges and Seek Legal Representation:  First and foremost, take the time to understand the specific charges brought against you under T.C.A. 39-13-111.  A conviction for Domestic Assault carries a maximum penalty of 11 months and 29 days in jail, but many alternative outcomes exist in cases like this.  Waste no time in seeking competent legal representation from an experienced criminal defense lawyer. A skilled attorney can assess the details of your case, build a robust defense strategy, and advocate for your rights throughout the legal process.  Hiring an attorney, particularly a local attorney like Nichole Dusche, can help you navigate your choices throughout the court process.
  2. Understand Conditions of Release on Bail:  If you are in Franklin, Tennessee, and charged with Domestic Assault against a spouse or other family member, you’ve likely been issued an order to vacate your own home.  Contact attorney Nichole Dusche today to see what options you may have available to you now to potentially change that.
  3. Keep a Low Profile:   After being charged with domestic assault, it is wise to maintain a low profile on social media and in public to prevent any misunderstandings or potential evidence that could be used against you in court.
  4. Preserve Evidence and Cooperate with Your Attorney: Document any evidence that may support your defense, such as text messages, emails, or witnesses who can testify on your behalf. Share this evidence with your attorney to help strengthen your case. Throughout the legal process, it is crucial to cooperate fully with your lawyer and provide all relevant information. Being honest and open with your attorney ensures they can effectively represent you and build a defense tailored to your specific situation.

Facing domestic assault charges can be overwhelming, but knowing your rights and taking the appropriate steps can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case.  Remember, legal representation from a skilled criminal defense attorney is vital in protecting your rights and ensuring your voice is heard throughout the legal proceedings.  Contact Nichole Dusche at 615-861-1298.